Inside IONOS


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00:00:00: Music.

00:00:07: Hallo und herzlich willkommen bei INSIDE IONOS. Mein Name ist Andreas Maurer. Wer sich mit Web-Entwicklung beschäftigt, ist sicher schon einmal über den Begriff LAMP Stack gestoßen.

00:00:17: Die Abkürzung beschreibt vier der wichtigsten Technologien für das Web - das Betriebssystem Linux, den Webserver Apache, die Datenbanksoftware MySQL und die Programmiersprache PHP. 

00:00:27: Und in dieser Episode steht das M von LAMP im Mittelpunkt - denn auf dem IONOS Summit hatte ich Gelegenheit, mit dem Erfinder von MySQL zu sprechen - Michael “Monty” Widenius. 

00:00:37: Und Monty hat gemeinsam mit Allan Larsson und David Axmark nicht nur MySQL entwickelt, sondern auch den Ableger MariaDB. Wie es zu dieser Abspaltung kam, das erzählt er selbst im Interview - viel Spaß beim Zuhören!

00:00:44: Michael "Monty" Widenius was the main author of the open source database software MySQL in 1995. Could we say you are the inventor of MySQL? Yes definitely.

00:00:59: What did make you write the software? I actually started writing the original of the code base in 1981 to solve a customer problem, and then it kind of evolved. I started do Analytics.


00:01:17: With a software and in 90 for the customers who were using it said that is really nice.

00:01:24: Database but we need to be able to access it through the web because maybe was kind of new in 95 or 94 so so work for platform that you work on originally.

00:01:34: Literally as well Aries and so and then I wrote on this Grill on top of it and and because it's have kind of come up the conclusion is clearly sweet really easy to embed in a web browser,

00:01:48: and what was it clear from the beginning that you wanted to make this open source.

00:01:53: Not originally I was using a lot of open source and me and David asked Mark who was kind of part of the of the project we always wanted to give something back to the wanted to create a project that really.

00:02:06: Earn enough money,

00:02:07: it's a good working full-time and that's why we did some research founded do a license model which we liked so you could have it open source for most and closed Source folders,

00:02:19: and as soon as we come realized that and and MySQL was ready we immediately made it open source because we thought that we're doing something good,

00:02:28: we're giving something back and we will not earn less money than we did as a small consulting firm with a few.

00:02:36: Could you have ever imagined what a success this has become,

00:02:40: no we didn't but we did take the attendance into account indirectly because we had the license model so when people said that how do you ever or money on free software,

00:02:50: who should pay oh we have a license so the small fraction maybe one in a thousand would have to pay and that was enough for us to create a great.

00:03:00: But a couple of years later you use old MySQL that the company basically right yes and a little bit later you also created with mariadb yes a fork of the original software and you also created the foundation to run Merida.

00:03:14: Let me what was the idea behind this so we're back I was really happy with my as well.

00:03:20: Acquired by Sunday because China was actively investing into open source they understood it they didn't really know how to do a business on it but they believed it.

00:03:31: It's about sure that this is a good place for my squirrel when then Oracle one year later they said that they will.

00:03:39: Want to buy sun and the main reason they want to buy son is that they want to get their hands on my squirrel I thought that something needs to be done.

00:03:49: And when this announcement came out a lots of people from son called me and said that they don't want to work with Oracle they are going to quit.

00:03:59: Do you have a place for me and I said sure but let's create a company let's do a fork because I wanted.

00:04:08: Do a couple of things I wanted to ensure that anybody has ever worked on my squirrel would have a workplace for life.

00:04:15: On the project and I didn't believe that Oracle will be able to do that.

00:04:19: Also wanted to be sure that the software that has spent more than 30 years on the actually be alive forever.

00:04:28: And I also want to show that everybody who were,

00:04:30: using MySQL and depending on my squirrel we didn't feel about threatened and sad if they would lose my squirrel had to go something else and it was something else that would be,

00:04:43: enclosed starts so I wanted to kind of save those so I didn't do it for money,

00:04:48: I actually didn't believe that mariadb could be sold or money so we did it open source project and we hope that you get with you get enough sponsorships to be able to continue.

00:05:00: I think one common misunderstanding of Open Source is that open source doesn't necessarily means something is free,

00:05:06: except for the actual source which is available but on just on stage in the interview with Nicole Scott you talked about an open source text as an idea what is the concept of this.

00:05:18: But we want the soul of it,

00:05:19: is somehow ensure that all popular open source projects we'd have enough money to be able to continue without having to be afraid that at any point in time the project will be killed because of resources,

00:05:34: so the idea would be that all big software providers and service providers would pay a small cost fraction of resin,

00:05:43: I do the projects that they actually are using so for example for such as vendor if the customers using the database that could add one Euro year on the software.

00:05:54: As part of the cost as an open-source tax and that if enough says when we do that we would have no problem with funding at all for Meridian.

00:06:04: How would that work in practice do you just count on the SAS providers and and software companies to do that on their own or do you think we need some kind of regulation for that.

00:06:17: It would be bestest a couple of big ones would do that and show that we actually are giving back,

00:06:23: not only to Maria di B positively nukes and all the tools that they are using and that would be seen as a better window than others and if they can get enough people switching to that vendor or the window will follow,

00:06:36: have you talked to any of the big Winners mentioned this a couple of times but nobody wants to increase costs but this is something that the CEOs should,

00:06:46: should just decide because there's no cost for the company because they were basically just say the users have to pay and if somebody's paying $200 a year and next year is b201 and say that the one is that the support in the software that we use,

00:07:01: say your software actually bill.

00:07:03: So after that using will evolve we're helping it to see that it doesn't die I don't think anybody would object sounds like a reasonable idea I mean if you talk about.

00:07:13: Players this field probably the first thing that comes to mind are the Gotham's Google alphabet Facebook Microsoft Amazon what is your view on these companies and the power these companies have gained over the past years.

00:07:27: They are using open source but they just following the license they are doing nothing wrong either legally or ethically but they are not providing as much back as they could.

00:07:39: I'm happy to see that Amazon is now a sponsor Madiba foundation so that at least they have started,

00:07:46: we understand the value of giving back and with the XV actually working with them to improve my ADP but,

00:07:52: Goethe when doors are more uses of Open Source than giving back Google does give back through Androids and other things but they also do that in a way that they always get the commercial Advantage by doing,

00:08:05: they're not doing that to ensure that the Project's life with would keep on living.

00:08:11: Final question the internet basically is based on free and open development based on standards that the community has given itself with the rfc's the request for comments,

00:08:22: but today we see more and more regulation of,

00:08:25: of the internet related stuff currently in Europe there's a big discussion about it AI act to regulate artificial intelligence how do you view this stems from the politics to more and more regulate the internet.

00:08:37: If it makes the internet better and more free and then it's kind of a good thing but it is.

00:08:43: It's done to restrict people either users or developers then it's a bad thing.

00:08:48: And I don't see a treat with AI in the sense that it just do like a calculator humans can do much more than a i they can use the I had to do better so we have some developers in Meridia be who uses that.

00:09:02: For taking up things and seeing and construct for some things they don't know but all the whole hardcore work they do no way I can do such a daze no risk thank you Monty videos.

00:09:17: Soweit das Gespräch mit Monty Widenius beim IONOS Summit 2023. Wenn Ihnen diese Podcast-Folge gefallen hat, hinterlassen sie gerne eine Bewertung, und wir freuen uns auch immer über Kommentare, Fragen und Vorschläge - entweder direkt unter dem Podcast, oder auch per Mail an Podcast AT IONOS Punkt.Com.

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00:09:44: Vielen Dank fürs Zuhören und bis bald!

00:09:46: Music.